From Tukaone Projects Ltd manager, Johnny Mwakalinga:
Please find a list of variety of carvings gifts for our sponsors. These items are made from Ebony Wood. Here are:
Sugar container, Candle stand, A spoon, Ashtray, A Rhino carving, etc. A sponsor may be rewarded one or two of these items. Here you will find attached, pictures of Bracelets and Necklaces made from Maasai Beads! Women would wear them across their waists, arms, legs and necks. Men would wear them across necks, arms and not their waists!
A list of painting ranges from Tingatinga painting, Realist painting, Abstract Painting and a Maasai Village style. The painters may even customize a certain company name to appear on the painting.
The craftmen/Art workers are really happy and looking forward for the relationship. Elizabeth and Amina did this gifts survey!
Greetings, Johnny.