The Popular Village Tailor

A beautiful story of, FUNDI NGUO MAARUFU WA KIJIJI (in English) By Johnny Mwakalinga. Fundi nguo maarufu wa kijiji are the suahel (Swahili) words which can be translated as follows: fundi nguo means “A tailor”, maarufu means “popular”, and kijiji means “village”, so a combination of the words gives in…

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Hembeti Area Businesses and Development

Walk Around the World, LLC and Tukaone Projects Ltd., are cooperating to tell the stories of local businesses and development in and around Hembeti, Tanzania, where Tukaone Projects has its rice and maize farm and assists with local economic and educational development in the region.   1). Photos from Mama…

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Asilia Dance Group Thanks Tukaone Project Sponsors

In early December, the Asilia Dance Group of Hembeti, Tanzania celebrated Tukaone Projects’ farm and thanked sponsors through song, drums, and dance. SONG FACTS: Song Name: Ngoma Zetu (our drums) Performed by: ASILIA DANCE GROUP by Ruguru Tribe residing at Hembeti, Tanzania. Group Leader: Mr. Chui Organized by: Johnny Mwakalinga…

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Sad News from Mangula

We received some sad news from Johnny today:   Sorry that I could not get back to you sooner on the farm progress.  Amina’ s grandmother who has been living in Mangula village has passed away only three days ago and we attended burial ceremony. She had been killed by…

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