National Geographic Interview with Bill and Melinda Gates

National Geographic, in its latest issue of November 2018, featured a very interesting interview by Susan Goldberg of the philanthropists Bill and Melinda Gates. They had started the Goal Keepers Foundation to champion the global goals set by the UN aimed at reducing poverty, inequality, and other global illnesses. Their…

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Sad News from Mangula

We received some sad news from Johnny today:   Sorry that I could not get back to you sooner on the farm progress.  Amina’ s grandmother who has been living in Mangula village has passed away only three days ago and we attended burial ceremony. She had been killed by…

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Tanzania Regulations for Private Ownership of Land

The efforts to create a Tanzanian business and purchase and develop farm land has not always been simple or straightforward.  The following is information regarding Tanzania – Right to Private Ownership and Establishment – derived from the State Department’s Office of Investment Affairs Investment Climate Statement: Tanzanian regulations allow foreign and domestic…

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