Survey Title Issues – Alternate Farm Location

After much waiting, Tukaone Projects Ltd. Manager, Johnny Mwakalinga, was able to provide an update on the status of the land:

Finally, here is a short report from our long time land surveying and researching. 

Situation of the first farm sold to TUKAONE by Mama Sara’s family: According to the report received from the chief land surveyor, it was observed that the farm coordinates showed that a large portion of the farm (about 9 acres is a property owned by Mtibwa Sugar company in Morogoro, and that only about six acres of the land was a portion wholly owned by Mama Sara’s family. As a matter of fact we had to consult our legal officer for some legal advice. And it was decided that since that mama Sara’s family had owned another piece of land in another village in the same Mvomero district she agreed to a transfer ownership on to the other plot of land which is located at Hembeti Village, Miembe kumi Area (Ten mango trees area in English), and it is located about 11 kms away from Dakawa Village heading to Dodoma Region).  This means it is about 56 kms in total away from Morogoro township to Hembeti village.  Hembeti village is in Mvomero Divission of Morogoro Region. When you drive off from Morogoro township you travel for about 55 kms and you will come across a bus stop known as Ferry Stop, and here you will take your right-hand side minor road to Hembeti (Turiani Road), and drive for about 1 km and you will arrive at Hembeti Village. Hembeti has same economic activities as Dakawa, fishing, pastoralist and agriculture.

This area now had already been surveyed and had had already a certificate of ownership! We will only need to transfer the title of ownership. The land is more nice here for growing rice and maize, as some part of it has a small hills (high lands) where we could build our farms building structures as it is very safe here from water/river flooding – we will always remain safe here.  The former farm lands had a serious water flooding problem and nearly all land would be covered by river floods during heavy rains season and accessibility to the farms becomes difficult at such times and one would need a boat to sail across there. Here it is reachable easily all year season.

The source of water is from Dizingwi River which finally pours its water into Wami River. The Dizingwi river has a more clean water and can be used to drink, cook and using the water for taking a bath, it is a river that keeps water for the whole year around. The part of the dry land here is possible for future use in establishing schools and other businesses.

So, today the same land surveyor had to conduct a second survey on to this farm to confirm on the coordinates of the area.  I am glad that today we can send you the coordinates of the confirmed TUKAONE farm lands owned by WATW (49%) and the other (51%) to the Tanzanian members. I have the simple sketch of the farms and the coordinates and more beautiful photos of the farms taken today. I will wire you the photos today. You could add these pictures to our earlier pictures as a progress and nice history of our dreams towards a really TUKAONE projects. The sketch and Coordinates tomorrow will be wired tomorrow. 

We will have an addendum to the former land sale agreement, the affected part will be: The location of the land, the neighbors and borders to the farms.  So, we will need only a small written addendum to be attached to the former contract and we will go for the transfer of ownership.  We will draft the changes to the agreement and have our legal officer sign it and send it over to you.

Now, we have the farm simple sketch, the farm land coordinates and the Company office already running.  Please, say your comments with this approach. It is the right farm with the right occupancy we can now have on hand.

… The other property has 12 to 13 acres, so they will need to add more 3 acres from a neighboring land.  Which means we might have two different title deeds. One of the 12 acres and the other for 3 acres. But the one mama Sara has now with coordinates I am sending you is for 12 acres. But she is happy to add another 3 acres to complete the total size.

Here is a simple hand sketch. The surveyors are working to provide to us a fully designed sketch of the site! Though it is important at this time you also have the co-ordinates of the area.

Greetings, Johnny.

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