Update on the Tukaone Farms from Tukaone Projects Ltd. Manager, Johnny Mansur Mwkalinga:
Yesterday we were very busy at the farms making pictures for our Homepage. We couldn’t do it last time as our photographer was not available. Now TuKAoNe has a very nice cameraman and we will have pictures reliably. We had a very interesting walk and visit to the farms yesterday by our Vendor (Mr. Huhudi), mama Sara`s husband. He is a very nice man and he told us stories of the magic tree in TuKAoNe farms – the tree bear fruits which are called Sausage fruits (the fruit is capable of recording and saving all stories and talks that people make around its tree).. Haha.
The view of the River Wami from TuKAoNe is very refreshing, and I wanted to try swimming in it but I was pulled back by Mr. Juhudi telling me I may be killed by hungry crocodiles in a [minute]! It is dangerous but the indigenous people who had lived by the river for many years could swim in [it] without being eaten by the crocodiles, as it is believed that these natives have a special power and prayers that the crocodile hears!
When you and Silvia visit the farms, maybe we can see between us who could try swimming with the natives.. HaHa.
Attached, please see some pictures of our early activities with the farms. I will try to upload more photos soon. The survey coordinates were already taken and as a matter of regulations under Natural Resources and Land Management – these coordinates are to be sent to the Ministry for approval and confirmation before issuance of Title Deed. So, we cross our fingers and expect to hear from the Ministry soon.
Greetings from Morogoro, especially from the Crocodos!